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Supplying or Offering to Supply a Controlled Drug

This offence covers the intention to supply a controlled drug to another person. You don’t need to be caught in physical possession of the drug to be prosecuted for this offence, nor does any payment need to have taken place. Even offering a friend a drug to try is considered as ‘supplying’. This offence also covers offering to supply a controlled drug to someone when intending to give them a ‘fake’ instead.

Supplying or offering to supply a controlled substance can be dealt with in either the Magistrates or Crown Court. This will depend on the severity of the offence . The maximum sentence you can receive for this also depends on the classification of the drug. The penalties you could face are:

  • Up to life in prison and/or unlimited fine – Class A drug
  • Up to 14 years in prison and/or unlimited fine – Class B or Class C

As one of the leading drug offences solicitors, we can help to reduce your sentence and increase your chance of acquittal by presenting a strong case for defence. You can contact one of our team now by phone 01254 505090.